
log with Fire

Tanzanian Community in Rome, Via GIUSEPPE DI VITTORIO 9, 00067 MORLUPO, Rome, Italy -- Sasa Mnaweza kuweka Michango yenu ya mwezi kwenye account ya Jumuiya: Banki ya Posta:Associazione dei Tanzaniani a Roma Acc. Number 000007564174 Codice Fiscale: 97600810580 ---

welcome to Tanzania

TANZANIAN COMMUNITY IN ROME (TZ-RM,) is a community that unites TANZANIANS living in Rome and those living outside of Rome who have read, understood and accepted the content of its Constitution and hence becoming part of the community's family. Tanzanian Community in Rome is a fruit of the well designed ideas, approved by all community members at the Community's First General Meeting held on the 30th January, 2010. It is a non-political, non-religious, non-ethnical and non-gender based kind of organization. It is a community that democratically, accepts and respects different ideas from all its members without any sort of segregation.

Tanzanian Community in Rome counts alot on members monthly contributions in order to keep the community alive.But all in all, it appreciates any sort of contribution from anyone.

Sunday, October 7, 2012


Si porta a conoscenza di tutti i connazionali che l’Ufficio Immigrazione del Governo della Repubblica Unita di Tanzania ha annunciato che dal 1° Agosto 2012 sta procedendo a cancellare tutti i permessi di residenza attualmente validi (permessi del tipo A, B, e C) e che comunque perderanno la loro validità dopo il 31 dicembre 2012. Si ricorda comunque che il rinnovo e’ una procedura obbligatoria e che agli inadenpienti potrebbe essere inflitta una pena pecuniaria e/o l’arresto per sei mesi o entrambi. L’Ufficio Immigrazione ci ha confermato per le vie brevi quanto segue:se il permesso di residenza e’ stato rilasciato prima del 01 Agosto 2012 deve essere richiesto nuovamente per la sostituzione. La sostituzione del permesso e’ gratis e senza obbligo di alcun deposito. La richiesta di sostituzione va fatta compilando gli appositi formulari dell’Ufficio Immigrazione secondo il tipo di permesso richiesto (vedere in basso), allegando tutti i documenti richiesti. Troverete un’indicazione di tutti i documenti in calce.Dopo che la richiesta sara’ approvata dall’Ufficio Immigrazione saranno rilasciati i nuovi permessi senza alcun pagamento. Nel caso invece in cui la scadenza del permesso e’ ravvicinata sarà necessario effettuare il pagamento ed il permesso sara’ rilasciato successivamente. Le categorie sono le seguenti (vedi ulteriori informazioni) Class A – Investitori – e’ divisa in 4 categorie:Big investors – 3.000 usdConsultants – 2.500 usdAgriculturalists – 2.000 usdSmall traders – 1.000 usd Class B- employees2.000 usd per tutti i tipi di dipendenti Class C – divisa in diverse categorie: Volunteers, missionaries, – 550 usd Students and researchers who are students– 200 usd (questo e’ stato ribassato da 500 a 200 usd recentemente) Informazioni dettagliate sui vari tipi di permessi (scaricato dal sito web dell’Ufficio Immigrazione)TYPES OF RESIDENCE PERMITSThere are three types of Residence Permits:
  • Residence Permit Class A
  • Residence Permit Class B
  • Residence Permit Class C
RESIDENCE PERMIT CLASS 'A'Residence Permit Class A may be granted to a person other than a prohibited Immigrant who intends to enter or remain in Tanzania and engage in trade, Business, Profession, Agriculture, Animal husbandry, prospecting of Minerals or manufacture. REQUIREMENTS FOR RESIDENCE PERMIT CLASS 'A' (i) Application forms (T.I.F.1) in duplicate duly filled in; (ii) Security Bond (T.I.F.12); (iii) Covering letter; (iv) Curriculum Vitae (CV); (v) A copy of National Passport (with validity of not less than a year); (vi) Certified copies of Academic Certificates (if any); (vii) Evidence of capital of the company. This includes:- (a) Bank Statement(s); (b) Balance Sheet; (c) A list of the company's assets with their value; (d) Proof of ownership of assets/properties e.g. Motor Vehicle Registration Cards, Title Deed/Certificate of Right of occupancy etc. (e) Proof of importation of company goods (if any) etc. (viii) Evidence of the Premises of the company. This may include:- (a) Lease Agreement – (if it is a leased premise) or (b) Title deed (if it is a company's property) (ix) Memorandum and Articles of Association (for a limited company) (x) Certificate of Incorporation, Compliance or Registration of the Company/Business as the case may be.NOTE:Applicants for Residence Permits Class A are advised to consult the Business Registration and Licensing Authority on how to register a Company or Business in United Republic of Tanzania.(xi) Extract from Register for business not incorporated as a Limited Company (xii) Business Licenses (These may include special licenses issued to some businesses, e.g. Industrial License, Mining License, Casino License, Tourist Agent's License) etc. (xiii) Registration Certificates from relevant Regulatory Authorities (other Businesses require authorization from Specific Regulatory Authorities)(xiv) Value Added Tax (VAT) Certificate (for Businesses entitled to pay this type of tax) (xv) Tax Payer's Identity Number (T.I.N.) Certificate; (xvi) Business License Tax Clearance Certificate;(xvii) Certificate of Incentive (in case the Business or project has been registered with the Tanzania Investment Centre - T.I.C. or Zanzibar Investment Promotion Authority - ZIPA for Zanzibar); (xviii) Share Certificate (where the applicant is a share holder in a registered company); (xix) Transfer of Share(s)/Stock Deed (incase the applicant is a share holder by virtue of some shares being transferred to him );(xx) Board Resolution i.e. Extract of the Board Meeting resolving to appoint the applicant as a Director (where the applicant is not among the first Directors);(xxi) Return of Allotment of Shares (Form No. 55(a) from the Registrar of Companies incase the applicant has been allotted some shares and should include a Board resolution resolving to expand the capital of the company and allot a number of shares to the applicant;(xxii) Six Passport Size photographs. Note: Application for Residence Permit Class ‘A' may be lodged at Immigration Department's Headquarters or The Tanzania Investment Centre-TIC or Zanzibar Investment Promotion Authority-ZIPA for Zanzibar (incase the business or project has been registered with TIC and ZIPA respectively). RESIDENCE PERMIT CLASS 'B'Residence Permit Class 'B' is issued to a foreigner other than a Prohibited Immigrant who has obtained specified employment in Tanzania, and the Principal Commissioner of Immigration Services (subject to recommendation by the Director of Employment) is satisfied that he possesses qualifications or skills necessary for that employment and that his employment will be of benefit to Tanzania.REQUIREMENTS FOR RESIDENCE PERMIT CLASS 'B'(i)Application forms (TIF 1) duly filled in duplicate ; (ii) General security covenant (TIF. 13);(iii) Curriculum vitae (CV) of the employee; (iv) A copy of National Passport (with validity of not less than a year);(v)Certified copies of Academic Certificates;(vi) Service testimonial from previous employer (if any);(vii) Employment contract, duly signed by the employer or his representative and the employee;(viii) Job description;(ix) Official translation of documents/certificates in case they are written in a language other than English or Kiswahili;(x) Certificates of Registration, Clearance or License from authorize Institutions i.e. Persons with some job titles or qualifications that require registration with authorize Institutions and Certificate, Clearance or Licenses be issued. These include Accountants, Engineers, Architects, Surveyors, Doctors, Teachers, Nurses, Pilots, Employees in Security Companies, executive Personnel in Financial Institutions such as Banks, Bureau De Change etc.(xi) Memorandum and Articles of Association of the employing company;(xii) Certificate of Incorporation or Compliance (as the case may be)(xiii) Business Licenses (these may include other Licenses, issued to some businesses, e.g. Industrial License, Mining License, Casino License, Tourist Agent's License, Certificate of Registration from Contractors Registration Board) etc. (xiv)Value Added Tax (VAT) Certificate (for Businesses entitled to pay this type of tax); (xv) Tax Payer's Identity Number (T.I.N.) Certificate; (xvi) Business License Tax Clearance Certificate;(xvii) a letter of recommendation from the Director of Employment, Ministry of Labour and Employment;(xviii) a covering letter from the Employer;(xix) Six Passport Size photographs. Note:Applications for Residence Permit Class B should be lodged at the Office of the Director of Employment, Ministry of Labour and Employment or The Tanzania Investment Center (in case the business or project of the employer is registered with the Tanzania Investment Center) or Zanzibar Investment Promotion Authority-ZIPA for Zanzibar for consideration as the case may be, and the Director of Employment will forward his recommendations to the Principal Commissioner of Immigration Service for approval of Residence Permit Class 'B'.Applicants for Residence Permit Class 'B' are required to submit their applications while they are outside the country.RESIDENCE PERMIT CLASS 'C'Residence Permit Class "C" may be issued to foreigners intending to enter and reside in Tanzania for purposes other than those specified for the grant of Residence Permit Class "A" or "B". These include; students, researchers, volunteers, persons attending cases in Court of Laws, persons who have formerly been residents and are about to leave the country (i.e. winding up affairs), and persons attending medical treatment in hospitals. Requirements for Residence Permit Class "C" differs depending on the categories of activities that a foreigner intends to engage in.GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ISSUANCE OF RESIDENCE PERMIT CLASS 'C'(i) Application forms (TIF 1) duly filled in duplicate ; (ii) General security covenant (TIF. 13);(iii) Curriculum vitae (CV) of the employee; (iv) A copy of National Passport (with validity of not less than a year);(v)Certified copies of Academic Certificates;(vi) Service testimonial from previous employer (if any);(vii) Six Passport Size photographs. SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS DEPENDING ON THE TYPE OF ACTIVITIESSTUDENTS:(i) Registration Certificate of the School/College;(ii) Joining instructions and admission letter from the school or college;(iii) A letter from the Ministry Responsible for Education (for students attending internship or externship programmes);(iv) Proof of particulars of residence of the host in Tanzania (i.e. in case a student is hosted by either a resident or a citizen of Tanzania he/she school submit proof of immigration status and/or particulars of residence of the host as the case may be).(v) Covering letter from the College or School.Note:Students from East African Community Partner States are not required to apply for Residence Permit ClassC’. Instead, they are issued with an Exemption Certificate upon application and fulfillment of prescribed procedures. No fee is payable for this document.RESEACHERS:(i) Research Permit;(ii) Covering letter from the Commission for Science and Technology (COSTEC);(iii) A letter from a relevant Ministry depending on the area of proposed research (for the case of Zanzibar).RELIGIOUS MISSIONARIES(i) Ordination Certificate for Pastors and Priests (if required);(ii) Constitution of the religious Institution;(iii) Registration Certificate of religious institution;(iv) Letter of Appointment/Service Agreement from the Religious Institution;(v) Covering letter from the Religious Institution.RETIRED PERSONS(i) previous Residence Permit ( in case the applicant was a resident in Tanzania);(ii) release letter from the previous employer;(iii) evidence of income. This includes Bank statements and pension payment slips;(iv) evidence of residence in Tanzania i.e. Title deed, Lease or Tenancy Agreement etc.(v) applicant's covering letter.WINDING UP OF AFFAIRS(i) previous Residence Permit;(ii) evidence of termination of employment contract;(iii) covering letter from the previous employer/applicantTREATMENT(i) Admission letter from the hospital;(ii) Doctor's report;(iii) Applicant/hospital's covering letter.Note:A person with a job title or qualification which is subject to be registered and issued with relevant certificate, clearance or licenses, should apply and obtain the same prior to the submission of application for Residence Permit class "C". Applicant for Residence Permit Class "C” is not allowed to be in the country before the approval of his application (except for cases where the applicant has been resident in Tanzania, e.g. Retired person and winding up of affairs cases). Note:Wife and children below 18 years may be endorsed in the husband's/ father's Residence Permit and a Re-entry Pass fee is payable for each dependant. Children expected to join schools/colleges require separate Residence Permits i.e. Residence Permit Class "C". Evidence of relationship of the holder should be submitted, i.e. marriage certificate for the wife and birth certificate for children.RE-ENTRY PASSHolders of Residence Permits Class 'A', 'B' and 'C' are required to obtain the Re-entry passes after their applications have been approved.

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